This is a project developed by a number of sponsors, including Teamnetwork, aimed at creating a space in the Police Headquarters for meetings with schools and voluntary associations where the culture of legality and respect of rules can be spread. The social project is the implementation of the “school projects” which the Police Headquarters have been promoting to date, meeting the schoolchildren of Augusta on subjects such as bullying, the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs and road safety.

With the creation of the “room of Legality” the organization of activities relating to the diffusion of legality in a Police station has an added value and even greater significance and announces the immediate intention of prevention rather than repression, especially with regard to young people. The choice of having the community take part in the creation of the project is the result of a specific choice: wanting to share the creation with “healthy” society and with the associations entails agreeing with the project in the following phase of activity as well. Taking part in its creation and construction represents feeling the project as one’s own, which otherwise would have been “dropped from above”.

The structure has been created thanks to the effective commitment of a series of companies and firms which, together with the Rotary Club of Augusta, have sponsored the project. The role of Teamnetwork in the project was significant in line with the company’s sensibility on all social projects and in particular those which address the diffusion of a “culture of Legality” amongst young people.