Teamnetwork: high specialization in the field of structural renovations with mortar fiber-reinforced thixotropic.

Our company has over the last 10 years carried out a number of significant interventions for the recovery and functional restoration of structures in very deteriorated concrete. Primarily on works constructed between the years 50 and 70 uncovered positions generate oxidation of steel bars with serious consequences on the static strength of the works themselves.

The degradation generally is not due to design errors but rather to the poor care in execution and the lack of protection works by direct contact with water. Considering that it is often not possible to remove all the carbonated conglomerate, because that would involve uncovering total perimeter irons and, thereby, high risk of the structure collapsing, when modernizing it agrees to leave in situ part of healthy conglomerate, but carbonated.


The structural restoration was carried out with the technique of structural fiberreinforced mortar cast within formwork in PEHD with addition of metal armor. The final protection of the restored article is ensured by a sealing with resins and with the coating system consisting of bandages impregnated with a mixture of petrolatum, inert fillers coated with shells made of HDPE.


Structural consolidation of the arches and the tie rods a.c. with structural fiberreinforced mortar.


The rehabilitation work of the submerged in concrete structures and not, were carried out by about 600 meters of wharf.

  • Pylons 144
  • Main beams
  • Secondary beams
  • Soffit slab and extrados insoles